First bought a car and mind to ensure it, but do not know what to start with. The desire to save money by all means sometimes pushes us the wrong way. Errors appear immediately, as soon as you have decided to be self-insured. Sometimes it works well, but if you want it to be done properly it is better to address the experts - the insurance agent or broker. Their services will not cost us a lot (or even nothing), but may appear to be very helpful. They will explain to you the meaning of specific terms, the difference between this or that type of policy. They can also tell you about price discounts and various insurance companies and help you choose the most appropriate.
However, if you decided to do everything on its own is obligatory to acquaint themselves with key concepts and principles of insurance.
1 First of all, to think on your needs. Decide what kind of coverage will be to the needs and try to correlate with the sum of money can afford to pay for their insurance.
Your rate of insurance has many factors and can be controlled by the amount of coverage you choose to place on your vehicle. Depending on state law is required to purchase the minimum amount of some or all of the following types of liability:
- a) bodily injury liability: It protects their assets if they are held accountable for the auto, which in the case of other persons injured or killed.
- b) Material damage liability: Covers repair or replacement of cars or other property of others.
- c) Uninsured / driver insured under the scope: If you do not live in a "no-fault" state (where their insurance will cover their losses), which is against the insurers to cover damage caused by other drivers with a small (under insured) or not ( uninsured) auto insurance.
There are also other types of insurance, which are not mandatory in most countries, but it can be any of the purchase, if you want to be more protected. For example, collision insurance covers repair or replacement, if your car is damaged in the accident. Comprehensive insurers your vehicle against damage caused by unknown parties or by a natural disaster (such as theft, fire, flood, vandalism). Medical payments or personal injury protection covers various medical expenses, which own or passengers' health insurance does not comply.
2 After making the comment of the type of coverage you need, you can choose the insurance company. Analysis of the market before making a choice. Compare prices and conditions of the various companies. If your tight schedule keeps you from dealing with more than one insurance company can use the various Internet services, which provide the ability to compare insurance rates nation best insurance companies.) Many of the various fees for the same amount of the guarantee. After one of a number of the most appropriate options to make sure these companies have a good reputation. You might also want to contact the state insurance department to find out, especially if the company has a large number of consumer complaints.
3 After singled out companies that want to work with to be very careful of making the contract. What is most important as an insurance policy? "Its price" - the majority will answer. But that's not so. This is the crucial role played by the agreement, in which every word matters. Do not sign until they are sure about the word. Otherwise receive a useless paper, on the basis of which the insurer will pay you nothing. For example, sometimes the customer commits itself "to observe traffic rules", "to ensure the safety car ',' adhere to standard safety rules." An insurance company may imply different meanings of these harmless phrases that seem to be very disadvantageous to you. And if you do not meet these requirements insurer may refuse to cover the damage. So we try to avoid such vague phrases in the contract, require a specific definition of the terms. In another case, the insurance company will save, but you do not have any money.
4 Finally, try to find and download all available discounts. They may vary from state to state, but most insurance companies offer discounts to the following:
- -- A combination of discounts - if two cars or insure his house and car with the same company can save up to 20%
- -- Exercise defensive driving - it can often deserve a 10% discount on premiums.
- -- Discounts for retirement - can reduce the cost of auto insurance, especially if you retire in the relatively young age (you may be driving less working days after its over).
- -- Discounts for the safety of installations and safety equipment, such as a car, an alarm system for tracking, anti-lock brakes, automatic seat belts and airbags in the car.
- -- College-Kids-Who-to-Far-Away Discounts - where at least 100 miles separate your child from your car, you can save up to 40%.
- -- Marriage discounts - the marriage may reduce the rate of car insurance married, because people are considered to be safer and more stable.
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