You are legally obliged to auto insurance, if you must drive, and if not, the consequences in the event of an accident can contain his license is revoked. While auto insurance is expensive, it has to be.
Currently, there are ways to lower rates if they are my suggestions. If you own or drive an old car, which is not much more value, it will be advisable to purchase the insurance. This is the minimum insurance required by most other countries. At this time, we do not need comprehensive or collision coverage possible, but you need to know that although most of them can not demand to have insurance to set the minimum, if they are involved in an accident and does not cover costs, can be sued if you do not pay the difference. Therefore, it is wise to have a coverage policy that will take casualties and still have to pay less.
If you have life insurance and home owners' insurance policy already running, you'll pay if you use the car in the same insurance company. It is very likely that your insurance company would reduce its rate of return, because you have a lot of them work policies. The best thing to do is ask to hear. Ask unions are on the consultation with the discounts, which are due for a number of policy coverage. Where to start saving and / or obtain the best deal on your auto insurance?
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