Local woman apparently cut off another driver Wednesday morning, causing a rollover was requested without car insurance, a breach that has a $ 171 fine.
No one was seriously injured in an accident, which occurred at 9:44 am near the intersection of Street Road and Wing, according to Sgt. William Sheehan of the Penobscot County Sheriff's Department.
Sheehan said Wednesday that Sheila Bilodeau, 46, was in the process of lawmaking, in turn, Wing Road to Union Street in his Ford Edge when pulled out on the road in front of the Ford Focus driven by Shawna Miles, 37, the Levant.
In its attempt to avoid a collision, Miles lost control of his car, which rolled over on its hood and skidded several feet before coming to rest in a snowbank, within a few feet utility pole.
Sheehan said Miles, whose airbags deployed, he was able to get on it by Focus crawling out the back window, which broke out in the open or the result of an accident.
"She was very happy," said Sheehan.
Bilodeau in the vehicle, which remained in an upright position, winding up perched a top of the snowbank on the opposite side of the street, Sheehan said. Although Bilodeau complained about pain in the accident scene, does not require a stay in hospital, he said.
According to Sheehan, both drivers were wearing safety belts at the time of the accident. He estimated damage Miles "Focus on 7000 dollars and Bilodeau's Edge for 3000 dollars
June 23, 2009 at 4:17 AM
Blog is interesting and Complete information is given by car insurance in the blog.
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