Hendrix Threatens Suit on Detroit Car Insurance

Detroit Mayoral candidate Freman Hendrix said today would be the class file a judicial action against insurance companies, if refuse to lower car insurance premiums components.

"I advocate the exercise of any option in order to bring some relief to the insurance rates in this city," he said this morning after his spokesman, Greg Bowens, described the position on the morning talk radio. "When people just pack and leave the city, one of two or three reasons, it is not always their car insurance."

Even car rampant crime does not add to what Detroiters pay premiums, he said. Detroit's cars are the highest in the United States twice that of No. 2, Philadelphia, he noted.

"The City of Detroit was two times higher than the second highest city in America, and there is no reason anyone can give me why," he said.

Before resorting to the court, said that it is worth to create a community-based safety initiative to reduce crime, such as vehicle theft, speeding and accidents in some surrounding areas.

Then, armed with statistics showing that Detroiters have a Community action, he said, is that insurance companies push rates to a more comparable to suburban areas.

"This challenge, which is in," he said. "I do not believe things fair, car insurance rates based on ZIP code, not the person driving habit is unfair. I think that looking at the person as a credit score to determine their contribution is manifestly unjust."

He said that there is no time to act, if he elected to answer questions only ideas Detroiters he'd address on vehicle insurance.

"I am in response to stress, as Detroiters bring to me," he said.


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